Please remember that it is your responsibility to log all volunteer hours through ParentSquare. CMCS is thankful for our volunteers. Our students are our number one priority, and without you, CMCS wouldn’t be such a success.
7.30.24 – After a great deal of careful research and discussion, our CMCS Board of Directors (BOD) has decided to adopt the District’s new policies and procedures for fingerprinting and background checks for volunteers.
The CMCS BOD has approved a modified chart of visitor/volunteer/vendor designations, which is more comprehensive and reflective of events and family involvement opportunities hosted by our school. As with the District, the CMCS Board has given careful consideration to ensure that any opportunity that may allow for direct supervision of students is designated as a volunteer activity.
As part of our Family Engagement Commitment, CMCS recognizes that family engagement is critical to student and school success. As approved by the Pasco County School District, CMCS requires a minimum of 15 service hours per year from each family.
It is important to note that CMCS service hours can be achieved through both visitor and volunteer activities.
If you’d like to participate in activities that fall under the volunteer designation, please proceed with the new procedures outlined by Pasco County Schools. Those can be found at this link. Instead of using the chart on the District’s website, please reference the CMCS Visitor, Visitor, and Vendor Overview. In addition to this one time background check, Volunteers will have to resubmit an annual application for yearly monitoring of their records.
In addition to this new process, we comprehensively looked at our procedures regarding volunteers. All volunteers will undergo an orientation prior to working directly with our students on campus or chaperoning field trips.
As another layer of safety, due to our size and structure, we already have staff support for many of our events and activities. This will allow for guided support for volunteers who are assisting in the supervision of students.
This new volunteer application process will take longer than in the past (up to 30 days) due to parents having to get fingerprinted and applications to be processed. For volunteer opportunities, such as chaperoning field trips, you’ll want to get your fingerprints and applications completed early. Those who have done so will be eligible for selection in the lottery for field trips, if needed. If you qualify for free and/or reduced lunch and you need financial assistance for this process, please contact Mr. Michael via email.
As is our current practice, visitors and volunteers to the school must present a valid ID to be scanned into our Raptor system. This will still apply to volunteers who have completed the Level 2 background check process.
Our mission at CMCS is to create a safe, diverse, and collaborative community. Thank you for partnering with us to accomplish that goal, especially in regard to student safety. We look forward to you visiting and volunteering on campus in the coming school year.