Great American Teach-In

Holiday Shop Crafts

Lunch Line Helpers

Turkey Trot & Friendship Feast

Holiday Shop

Volunteer Opportunities

Get involved! We have lots of upcoming volunteer opportunities:

20th Annual Butterfly Auction

We are looking for volunteers to solicit donations, collect donations, and help on the day of the event. Are you interested? Sign up here.

Donations needed: We are in need of several items to create the look and feel for this year's auction. We have an Amazon Wish List available if you are able to donate.
Amazon wishlist

Lunch Line Helpers

We are in need of one (1) or two (2) volunteers each day to help serve lunch during our daily lunch service.

The requirements for this volunteer position are as follows:
  • Take a 30-minute food service online course
  • Be a registered Pasco County Volunteer
  • Be on campus daily from 11:15 am - 12:15 pm

  • Sign up on our Parent Square Post.

    Mr. Eddie Clean Up Day

    Mr. Eddis is in need of (4) parents who can help dig, lift heavy items, bend, and pull on Saturday, February 18th from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm at CMCS. This job will be outside, and you will be getting dirty. There will be mixing concrete as well. This is an adult-only volunteer event. Please bring your lunch and water.

    Please email [email protected] if you are interested.
    I'm interested

    Book Fair

    CMCS is excited to bring back our Book Fair this year from Tuesday, February 21st - Friday, February 24th.

    We are looking for volunteers to help set, work the event, and close up the fair. If you are interested, click the button below.

    Volunteer Spirit Packs

    We have a wonderful opportunity this year. We will be launching a Volunteer Spirit Pack and, if you bring your gear with you when you volunteer, you will get to claim 1.5 hours for each hour worked! How amazing is that?!

    Spirit Packs include the following: 

    • CMCS Volunteer T-shirt
    • CMCS Drawstring Bag  
    • Water Bottle 

    Volunteer Applications

    If you haven’t done so already, please complete your Volunteer Application now.

    Effective July 1st, applications are now live on Pasco County Schools website for you to complete your Volunteer Application.

    In order for you to volunteer on campus and be eligible to chaperone field trips, you must complete your application.

    Advertising Opportunities! Banner Advertising

    CMCS would like to offer local businesses an opportunity to advertise with a banner along our main thoroughfare of the school. The cost of the banner is $300. If you own a business or know a business that would be interested in advertising,
    please email [email protected].

    Click here to find out more about this opportunity!

    If you have any questions or wish to learn more, please email Ms. Devon at [email protected].